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Job Status Job Type
ID Description Job Type Created by Created on Completed
12 Building lichfieldw 25/10/21
11 Heritage Open Day Planning lichfieldw 29/05/21
10 REd gfdfgdfgdfgdf dfgdf gdf Building lichfieldw 23/03/21
9 Make lace curtains for louver windows Building lichfieldw 23/03/21
8 Securely cap the wells Electrical lichfieldw 22/03/21
7 Check the fence position, has it moved overnight? Grounds lichfieldw 19/03/21
6 Remove both plinths Building lichfieldw 18/03/21
4 Add disco lights to 1960's area Electrical lichfieldw 18/03/21
3 Job number three Building lichfieldw 17/03/21
2 Job number two Building lichfieldw 17/03/21